Sunday, March 25, 2012

People please listen

Volcker: Wall St. changing, but not very rapidly

Paul Volcker was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board from 1979 to 1987, and he's been an advisor to President Obama. With America's economy still unsettled, Chairman Volcker sat down just a few days ago with Anthony Mason for a Q&A:

In his office in New York's Rockefeller Center, Paul Volcker fills the hallway. He is a towering figure, both in height (he is 6'8") and in reputation. He spent eight years as Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

And these days he is casting a giant shadow over Wall Street.

He says he believes the culture on Wall Street has to change.

In the aftermath of the financial crisis, Volcker has led an outspoken campaign to curb greed and speculation. His concern, he says, is for the health of the banking system.

For nearly two years, the 84-year-old economist chaired President Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, helping to shape the president's banking reforms...

why don't the people listen....

Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Brian

Your birthday started at 7:30 am: I had just gotten out of bed and my water broke by this time I was 2weeks late. I was over the moon ready to meet you. I dressed and we arrived at the hospital at 8:30am where a nurse took your father and me to the 5th floor, which was Maternity at DPH. The nurse asked me if I was having  contractions - I lied telling her that I was well on my way  I because I didn’t want to go home. The morning was relatively quiet, we had spent the last week walking around Grammies neighborhood, then going over railroad tracks and going on bumpy roads trying to get you to deliver. We had been out the night before at the movies watching “The China Syndrome” then we stopped into the Villa for a drink, which I am sure, was soda for me. Around noon Dr Georgie came in and examined me he said it would be several more hours and that he was heading over to Williamsport Hospital but by the time he finished his rounds and made it to the hospital exit the nurses were calling him back. In fewer than fifteen minutes, I went from relaxing to needing to push.  Now I was talking to your Dad saying, “I can’t take anymore of this pain” at the same time grabbing the green doctor’s scrub shirt, he was wearing. Just rocking back and forth pulling on Dad and repeating, “I can’t take it…” At that time, I was offered and given a Demerol shot. The delivery after the severe pushing relaxed was much easier; the nurse asked if I would be naming you Patrick. He knew something I didn’t which was that you had been born on St. Patrick’s Day.
A very Happy Birthday to my best and favorite son BRIAN my 6'8" Irishman with an Italian Twist

Monday, March 12, 2012

Being an Artist

So proud of Brian... Huffington Post put out a call for Artist to "The Moment I Knew I Wanted To Become An Artist (SUBMIT YOUR VIDEO) " so Brian being the vigilant web watcher he posted his thoughts so now we will have his thoughts for eternity or this site shuts down.
here is the site for the entire story:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Brian first show

I am so proud of Brian. He will be having a show in April and I hope it will be the first of many shows featuring his work!