Wednesday, December 30, 2009

As a New Year approaches

NEW YORK – Tavern on the Green, once America's highest-grossing restaurant, is singing its culinary swan song.
The former sheepfold at the edge of Central Park, now ringed by twinkling lights and fake topiary animals, is preparing for New Year's Eve, when it will serve its last meal. Just three years ago, it was plating more than 700,000 meals annually, bringing in more than $38 million...

for the rest of the story go to
I mention this article from yahoo news because I remember being taken there by my mother-in-law, Madeline, for a brunch type meal many years ago and I have very fond memories. I believe Janet, Madeline and myself was a beautiful day out and I had pancakes with cooked apple slices on top. At least that is what I remember. So another landmark is gone I only hope it is replaced with an equally elegant restaurant.

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