Thursday, January 14, 2010

With The New Year Comes Questions

I love my TIVO but I have realized recently: what did I do with all the time I had before TIVO entered my life. Pre-TIVO I would have videotaped one episode of Walton’s Mountain and then watch it sometime during the day then during the evening hour’s video tape NBC shows while watching ABC or CBS series. As for all the other channels, well we would be “sh_t out of luck.” When more and more shows entered the fray, we purchased multiple video recorders then we would scramble to write a list of what was on which tape. TV viewing was becoming a huge hassle so we signed up for DVR service and wonders of wonders I was hooked. Recently- as I stated in the beginning wonder what I did with all my time before TIVO? This is a real conundrum, although I began to sleep in later in the morning after Carmel died because I no longer needed to keep an eye on her. However, the time I spend watching TV is amazing to me and I truly have forgotten pre-TIVO time. Don’t get me wrong I still clean the kitchen along with the rest of the house when I feel well.
I will need to give this situation more thought and then get back to my Blog to continue this discussion.
P.S. I still do most of the cooking; Gary will have frozen dinners or my cooking!

1 comment:

dontknow said...

I have also found the dvr to be life changing invention. I can now watch the 1% of tv that think worth watching and skip the commercials. The next step will to have all viewing on demand so you don't even have to bother recording it. And to get rid of the commercials.