Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What is on my mind

I have a question.  Who is worth more, who deserves to be rich, who determines a person’s worth or value.  Why do some people have so much more than others do around him or her? I give just two examples and they are extreme but I hear so often that if you don’t have wealth that you don’t deserve it, you didn’t work hard enough. Well let me know your opinion because I don’t understand how the world works. Many would say I am just a naïve woman how could I know anything…it is over her head she just doesn’t get it there is a system and we few who know how to play the game we get “it” we deserve “it” all.

Person #1  If you have one man or woman who spent their time plus energy to learn a job that requires them to get up at 5am 6days a week working  doing back breaking  manual labor until the sun goes down with sweat rolling down their arms along with using their wits to solve multi layered problems that arise during the work day worth less, more or the same as…?

Person #2  Who maybe a Doctor, Lawyer or Business man or woman that gets to work by 8am working against the dilemmas’ thrown at him by the necessity of living in a Cosmopolitan area fighting alongside all the hordes of people that have all the problems that come with the daily commute.  Plus stress that goes along with many jobs that entail working closely and depending on the cooperation of many people working together to get your job done…?

Who gets to choose that your life is going to be made easy by having health insurance, food on the table, a roof over our heads, and then the luxuries of life? Some people say, “I worked for “my money” why should I give it away or share it with others if “they worked harder they would be richer” well that goes back to what YOU ARE WORTH. If you are overpaid for what you do then you are just giving back to society the money you were over paid. Why can’t more people think that way about money? Don’t we all deserve to fly “first class” rather than being shoved into cramped boxes… next time, you fly just turn around and see how many other people are uncomfortable!  We all deserve- a  “healthylife, “honorable” liberty, and the pursuit of “equal” happiness.

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