Saturday, June 30, 2012

Health Care for all

Hip hip hooray

Finally, the country has health care! The country has been waiting since 1945 when President Roosevelt tried to get something passed that turned into Social Security then President Johnson tried again, which became Medicare both programs were strongly opposed at the time of inception but are now accepted as normal. This Supreme Court decision could change our country forever. Of course the Republicans are jumping up and down protesting- “how can a government force us as a nation of free people to do something we don’t want to do.” Unfortunately, we have laws, regulations, and taxes that all the people in this land must follow or be subject to a penalty. I do fear government control- an example is to get a job at the Susquehanna Health System you cannot smoke. What will be next companies or our government going after overweight people?  Many people that do not smoke say why should I pay for “smokers” health problems when they can stop.  Behavior vs. rights is a very slippery slope and I am sure this decision will not be the final word. Mayor Blumberg has shown he cannot leave well enough alone picking how much soda a person should drink. I have lived long enough to see that we were all doing well until the food industry and the government came up with “low fat” products, now we are fatter than ever before.

Our society is much better off with people not smoking which was done by many things however telling people that you can’t smoke if you want to get a job has gone too far. Just as I feel making everyone have Health Insurance is going to make us a much healthier society (also people should not have to go through Bankruptcy because they do not have health care) so it will make us a stronger nation. This entire situation is a true conundrum. I am hoping for the best that we all get health care coverage, people don’t abuse the privilege, and we go on to fix the other problems that plague the people living on this planet.

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