Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Father Knows ... THAT HE IS RIGHT

There is so much I could commit on: female sexual trafficking occurring in this country, a high rate of Rape kits not being tested and leading to many more Rapes occurring, and deaths occurring from the H1N1 virus, but I am not personally involved (thank GOD) with those news stories and they do not have a direct impact on my life.
How do I deal with an 89 year old man that is still recovering from a life threatening surgery in July of this year. My Dad wants to be normal unfortunately he still feels sick and everyone is busting their butts trying to make him feel better. I never realized what a "nervous Nellie" (that is an old expression for being like Telly Monster on Sesame Street). His other major problem is that he knows not just thinks but knows he is always right. We were leaving the foot doc's office and she was telling him to "soak that toe and put cream on it" within full view of the doctor I said "do you have something to soak your toe in? He replied, “No.” I continued, “You’re not going to soak your toe are you.” He said, “No” and chuckled. The doctor was shocked I was not. She went on to say Vincent you have to soak your toe. He laughed and laughed. When we got outside he said she doesn’t know what she is talking about and that he never soaks his toe…it will be fine.
How do you deal with that all the TIME, EVERY DAY YOU GET INVOLVED with him. How did my Mom put up with him.

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