Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Flash Mobs"

The disparity between the “Haves and Have-nots” in the United States as well as the major countries around the world is alarming. We see the “people’s reaction to this condition being played out on the streets of London England this past week. The disproportion of wealth and the inequality of living standards can be felt on the streets of this Country. If leaders of this United States feel that the unrest-taking place in France, England and many other areas of our World will not jump across the pond to our shores, well they are sadly mistaken. A Texas teacher interviewed this past week on ABC News stated, “The cost of low taxes- realize that your child will be in a classroom that will have a larger number of students, and your child will have less individual attention so everything comes at a price”. We as a Nation need to care for each other, including for the less fortunate of our Country- if we don’t there will be unrest. We can see the need starting to show through the cracks, there are “flash Mobs” causing mayhem in Philadelphia and Milwaukee. The “flash Mobs” are being blamed on delinquent kids but I wonder what the real underlying causes could be.

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