Monday, August 29, 2011

I don’t cook breakfast for my family every morning; however, when I cook breakfast, which is brunch due to my late rising I make an unbelievable homemade French toast. I use a recipe first perfected at Balthazar’s in New York City. My cooking and baking skills are superb, some may say that my palette is narrow which may be true, but I believe that I can cook or bake anything. When I am given the recipe and with the assurance that I would not have to eat what I cooked.
I don’t run marathons or climb mountains however; I have in the past done what needed to be done. While working as a RN I accompanied a patient that needed to be E-VACED riding in a “very old helicopter,” then as a civilian I attempted to rescue a climber on the top of a steep mountain cliff unfortunately the man had fallen to his death.
I don’t run a business but I have set up a Medical Clinic in my hometown that will care for thousands- myself and another RN started with “nothing” except a space, some basic equipment and a Benefactress dream of opening a Clinic for the “poor”.
Because of my Chronic Pain, many people view me as flawed but I have always been a “go getter.” As young as 12 I was volunteering as a Candy Striper this led me to a job in the same hospital working in the Physical Therapy department. My job entailed doing treatments to being a patient porter. This was followed by working in X-ray, and then the Operating Room, I supplemented my income with Baby-Sitting in my Neighborhood. Nursing School, work, Marriage, and children followed with many adventures sprinkled in, I have supported my Husband, my Children and my family through the years. I take great offence to people around me that have forgotten that I have achieved a GREAT deal in my life. The few examples that I have given may seem dramatic. I don’t look for extreme or dangerous risk however; I do what I need to do.
I have written this as much for myself because I tend to get very depressed due to the difficulty I have with mobility I need to remember my active years and that I still have fight with a lust for life inside myself.
My father always said, “The day after you die the world goes on without you and life is no bed of roses”. I need to enjoy each day no matter what is thrown my way.
And to those how don’t appreciate me WAKE UP!


Unknown said...

Those seem like some fantastic adventures to me, Aunt Karen!! You have done a lot of things in life and have a family that loves you :)
I am always grateful to receive your postcards; they are displayed on my wall with my pictures and I think of you when I see them.
Take Care!

hiker mom said...

Karen, what you've done and continue to do are the most important things in life I can think of, supporting yourself and your family. We greatly appreciate the encouragement and support you give us. Have a great day, Love, Lee