Monday, February 23, 2009

Shout out to Liz

Liz is in Ohio practicing her "splitter" job in Cleveland- Ohio for two days. Just want to give her a shout out- hello Liz if you are checking on the computer, hope it is not too bad for you and that the weather is cooperating- safe flight home. Please email or call when you get home.
Brian signed the lease for his newest studio, so he will be moving soon.
Gary had a colonoscopy and I got the results of my bone density test. Having a colonoscopy is a good thing and everyone over 55 should have it! The prep is a pain in the a_ _ but it last one evening so you can live through that and my test results came back OK. I am starting P.T. on Wednesday hope it helps the pain. Talked with Dr Stoner about Bio-identical hormones- it is all the rage on Oprah, hear is the web site to check it out for yourself-
Dr Stoner said that he has never heard of Bio-identical hormones and noone in the Geisinger OBGYN staff has heard of it either. It is very frustrating and I will continue this topic tomorrow.

1 comment:

hiker mom said...

where is Brian's studio?