Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Astronomers say the moon will be approximately 31,000 miles closer to Earth on Friday night. The moon will be full and 30 percent brighter.
It will mark the first time in 15 years where the moon has this proximity to the Earth. Astronomers say the moon will be 30 percent brighter on Friday evening as it begins to rise."

I was unable, due to weather, photo the Moon on friday but the sky cleared for a short time tonite and I took a picture today enjoy. I am completely engaged with everything that has to do with the moon.


hiker mom said...

I find that interesting because last night, I was dreading taking Lucaya for her walk because it was cold and I was procrastinating so it was late and dark, the moon was out. It ended up being a beautiful walk in the woods and very easy to see. What a beautiful moon tonight, I kept thinking. hmmmmm

lafaymom said...

thanks Lee glad you enjoyed the MOON WALK (haha) I sound like James don't I. Keep looken in.