Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In response to my thoughts

KhingKOBRA said...
I believe that your conclusions are a bi-product of your own anger and frustration. Their are a number of reason's why doctors have come to this agreebly god-awful and wrong headed conclusion. When I first saw the original story the first thing that came to my mind was what kind of egomaniac doctor would have the gall to conceal such a thing. If I had cancer no matter how slow-growing and how unlikely it would be to kill me I Have A Right To Know. Where as you blame the patient for this phenomenom I blame the person who actually is responsible, the doctor. I'll agree that some men might not want to know but as long as the cancer is in their body and not the doctors it is the doctors job to tell them. Then they can choose to get treatment or ignore it. I find it sad that you are blaming the victim in this story. Feel free to hate on the idiots like uncle teenie who choose their virility over their lives but don't forget that the original story was about idiot doctors who think they know what is best for the patients.

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