Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My thoughts for today

I was wondering what to write and then I watched the evening ABC News. There was a report dealing with Prostate Cancer and the PSA test used in diagnosing.
“Researchers in the Netherlands suggest that many men who are
diagnosed with prostate cancer
may have been better off never knowing
they had the disease … (researchers) found that between 23 percent an 42 percent of
prostate cancers identified by PSA testing are so slow-growing that they
probably would never have posed a health threat.
In other words, most of these men would have lived a full life and died from another
cause entirely, never knowing they had these slow-growing cancers.”
Men are fortunate because first the medical community discovered a blood test to easily diagnosis this illness, secondly there are enough men being tested for studies to be done on what is the best treatment, thirdly, it is men refusing to give up their “manhood” that caused doctors to come up with a safe alternative way to live a normal life.
in contrast when the medical community is dealing with women…
My opinion is –first, there is no definitive test for Ovarian Cancer, secondly for the most part when a woman comes in to the office with a GYN problem because Ovarian Cancer is so FAST growing it is like in “Alice in Wonderland” …. OFF WITH HER HEAD, – surgeons come in and remove everything because they are afraid that if there is no Cancer present at the time, they know a window could be lost so why not just take it all now before the Cancer sneaks in. After a woman is, done having children the Ovaries and Uterus serve no purpose so just cut them out. I do feel that one large part of what makes a woman feel like a woman is her Uterus and Ovaries and after the surgery, I felt like a gutted fish.
I do relies that all people have troubles in this world the “other shoe does drop”…it may take decades but, your turn does come you get hit with a run of bad luck something that seems insurmountable. For the most part, we get through it. However when cards are being stacked against a group of individuals due to lack of interest or with the attitude that is well it “is good enough.” Men had a problem they figured the best way to handle it and some men make it some don’t but it seems to have been approached systemically and solved… Women on the other hand because we also are living longer Ovarian & Uteri an Cancer is showing up more frequently but rather than developing a test for early intervention they wait and give a vague instruction “well if you feel blotting” call us. What woman doesn’t have blotting for GOD’S sake? I am begging people to talk to friends, doctor friends, research friends, anyone that will listen to come up with a 21st century answer to this horrible disease.

1 comment:

KhingKOBRA said...

I believe that your conclusions are a bi-product of your own anger and frustration. Their are a number of reason's why doctors have come to this agreebly god-awful and wrong headed conclusion. When I first saw the original story the first thing that came to my mind was what kind of egomaniac doctor would have the gall to conceal such a thing. If I had cancer no matter how slow-growing and how unlikely it would be to kill me I Have A Right To Know. Where as you blame the patient for this phenomenom I blame the person who actually is responsible, the doctor. I'll agree that some men might not want to know but as long as the cancer is in their body and not the doctors it is the doctors job to tell them. Then they can choose to get treatment or ignore it. I find it sad that you are blaming the victim in this story. Feel free to hate on the idiots like uncle teenie who choose their virility over their lives but don't forget that the original story was about idiot doctors who think they know what is best for the patients.