Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Jenni called me with a Christmas story today. It took place the year when the movie “Fievel -AN AMERICAN TALE” was popular. The main character, Fievel was sold at Sears and Jenni begged for Fievel until Christmas morning. She remembers coming down in the morning and the first present she spied was a big clumsily rapped package with a bow on top, she ripped it open and yelled its Fievel… I love my Fievel. A very special place was reserved for Fievel, it was the only toy Jenni sleep with until on another Christmas morning “Jesse” showed up- Jesse was a Cabbage Patch Doll with horn rim glasses and was able to hold a crayon. Jesse and Fievel were Jenni’s favorites for many years to come. My memory of Jesse was- that I went down to the mall to purchase Jesse when I was on bed rest from a surgery on my neck several weeks before. The rest of the family went to NJ without me. Gary still reminds me that I was to be on bed rest but if I hadn’t bought Jesse, Jenni could have been scarred for life. Just kidding, Jenni did love her dolls

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