Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The News Fit to Pass On

The governor of Illinois has been trying to sell the Senate seat, we have a plan to bailout the automakers with 14 billion dollars, protestors in Greece are rioting because of political scandals, a cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe has claimed 776 dead with many more injured, the people of this country are sick and tired of big wigs trying to claim the bailout money for themselves and this news is just the headlines. Jenni’s trivia team WON again, receiving the highest score for themselves ever-43 out of 45 correct. The people running the Trivia contest are going to bring in some "heavy hitters" to beat her team because they always win! Also, Jenni won her trial today. The people in the court said that her POWER POINT presentation was as well done, as any “high price” firm would present. Hoorah for Jenni. Brian through his back out again so he is one bed rest for two days and it is driving him crazy. They may want to operate which is the last thing he wants so everyone put good vibes out into the universe for Brian back to get better.- thanks

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